Cost of Estate Planning

The Cost of Estate Planning in Muskegon, MI

Estate Planning Attorney for over 30 Years in Western Michigan


Estate Planning Does Not Have To Be Expensive

A good estate plan should pay for itself in terms of the expenses it will avoid for you. After discussing your situation with you, we can provide you with a solid estimate of cost and explain the money it will save you. If you don't think you can afford a complex estate plan now, start with what you can afford. For a young family or single adult, that may mean a will with guardian and trustee provisions for minor children, term life insurance, and powers of attorney for your assets and health care decisions. Then, let your planning develop and expand as your needs change and your financial situation improves. Don't try to do this yourself to save money. Just because you can find a form on the internet does not mean that you have the knowledge and experience to properly use it and tailor it to your specific situation. A simple mistake in your estate plan can have devastating and expensive consequences far beyond the few dollars you save by attempting to do it yourself. An experienced attorney will be able to provide critical guidance and peace of mind that your documents are prepared properly and can probably provide you with payments terms that can fit your budget.

The Best Time To Plan Your Estate Is Now!

Nobody likes to think about their own mortality or the possibility of serious injury or illness. This is exactly why so many families are caught off-guard and unprepared when incapacity or death does strike. Don't wait. You can put something in place now and have the ability to change it later. This is exactly the way estate planning should be done. Your attorney should review your plan with you every 3 to 5 years to make sure it continues to fit your circumstances and takes account of any recent law changes. Knowing you have a professionally prepared plan in place – one that contains your instructions and will protect your family – will give you and your family peace of mind. This is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things you can do for yourself and for those you love.

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